Australian group: Gaza’s Palestinians delight in the ‘worst case of animal cruelty’ in history


Barbaric video exhibits cattle imported from Australia being tortured on streets of Gaza, with bystanders participating, filming & cheering.



Shocking footage of cattle exported from Australia being tortured and killed in the streets of Gaza is being described by an Australian animal rights group as the worst animal cruelty case it has ever seen in the live export industry, The West Australian news reported Thursday.

Animal cruelty in Gaza

Animal cruelty in Gaza – Photo by Screenshot/Animals Australia

Footage compiled by Animals Australia shows bulls being “knee-capped by a man armed with an assault rifle, another stabbed in the eye and other having their throats hacked open in the streets.”


Animals Australia wants urgent action to bar a Livestock Shipping Services boat, which docked at Fremantle Wednesday, from loading sheep or cattle, after a series of allegations involving the Perth-based company, owned by the Jordanian firm Hijazi & Ghosheh Group.

“So acceptable is this brutal treatment to locals that they are cheering and filming the spectacle on mobile phones,” Animals Australia campaign director Lyn White said.


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