Search results for Sinem Tezyapar

Al Quds Al Arabi Publishes, “Anti-Jewish Slogans Are Not Islamic”

Al Quds Al Arabi, pre­vi­ously known for its hos­tile posi­tions toward Israel, changed its own­er­ship & editor last year. These changes may explain the deci­sion to repub­lish the article.

By Anti-Defamation League blog


The deci­sion to re-publish a cri­tique of anti-Semitism by Al Quds Al Arabi, the third largest cir­cu­lated off­shore pan-Arab news­pa­per accord­ing to the Carnegie Endow­ment for Inter­na­tional Peace, could sig­nal a move toward greater plu­ral­ism and diver­sity of views in the Arab press, which is often dom­i­nated by anti-Jewish and anti-Israel

Al Quds Al Arabi Publishes “Anti-Jewish Slogans Are Not Islamic” by  Turk­ish jour­nal­ist Sinem Tezya­parin in Sep­tem­ber 2013

Al Quds Al Arabi Publishes “Anti-Jewish Slogans Are Not Islamic” by Turk­ish jour­nal­ist Sinem Tezya­parin

Arab jour­nal­ism has been a major plat­form for impor­tant debate and dis­cus­sion about the ques­tion of reli­gious intol­er­ance in con­nec­tion with dis­crim­i­na­tion against Mus­lims and the defama­tion of Islam. Continue Reading »

Muslims, stop blaming Israel for your problems

Did a bomb explode on the other side of the world, or is there a problem with some country’s economy? -No need to look any further than Israel. And where else would the control center for destabilizing the Arab world be? Israel of course!


Whenever calamities befall Muslim-majority nations, there is always a country to blame: Israel. Is there a revolution against a tyrant? Zionists are responsible. Who else could be at fault if there is a clash between Sunni and Shia groups? The Jews. Did a bomb explode on the other side of the world, or is there a problem with the economy? Continue Reading »

Turks Appreciate Israel’s Apology

Netanyahu did the right thing in the right manner and with the right words.

The Turkish newspaper’s headline reads: “Sorry.”

By: Sinem Tezyapar


It is unpleasant when two long-friendly countries behave like enemies. Many have been uneasy seeing Israel and Turkey growing distant, even if only in the political arena. Friendship, love, trust and affinity are most valued universally, so I would like my Israeli friends to know that we, the Turkish nation, cherish our friendship with the Israelis and thus appreciate the prime minister’s apology as a virtuous act, and we are excited to leave this regrettable incident behind and to be able to move forward. Continue Reading »

New Muslim dream for the Temple Mount

Op-ed: Devout Muslim dreams of a Jerusalem holy site where people of all faiths pray together.

By Sinem Tezyapar


The unique importance of the Temple Mount to Judaism and to Islam makes the location vulnerable to tensions and conflicts between Jews and Muslims. Usually, these incidents originate in rumors such as: “The Jews are coming today to bomb the mosques and build their Third Temple.” Obviously, false accusations and baseless suspicions such as these turn the site from a holy place of prayer and love into a site of violent political demonstrations. The potential escalation of tension brings on more restrictions and discomfort to all. Continue Reading »

Imagine Pan-Turkish Union with Israel & Arabs as Equals

Imagine a union among all the countries of  North Africa, the Middle East, & the Caucasus.


As I normally request when publishing an exciting article by Sinem Tezyapar, if all you have to contribute is that she shouldn’t be trusted for whatever reason—kindly keep that to yourself. I encourage our educated readers to argue with and even shoot down anything Sinem offers, but, please, respect my personal guarantee, based on a fairly long relationship with her and her movement, that she absolutely means what she says.

Yori Yanover, Editor

Over the last few years, I have been often asked: is Turkey leaving the West? Continue Reading »

Time for Turkey & Israel to remember their deep common history

As the Turkish nation, we want nothing more then the continuance of Israel’s existence in peace & tranquility. When various figures in the Mid-East make threatening & genocidal pronouncements against the Israeli state, it disturbs us greatly & we would never let something like that happen.

By Sinem Tezyapar


I am a Turkish Muslim and every time I have a conversation with an Israeli friend, they keep asking me why the relations between Israel and Turkey have reached such a nadir, why Turkey seemingly has an antagonistic stance against Israel.

Mavi Marmara May 22, 2010 (AP)

Mavi Marmara taken on May 22, 2010 – Photo by AP

First of all, Turkey’s being totally against Israel is out of question. Continue Reading »

Will Israel’s new gov’t be opportunity for fresh start with Turkey?

Israel desires mending its ties with Turkey, & there are many in the large Muslim nation that desire the same. A strong Turkey-Israel  alliance may affect positive ties with neighboring states.

By  Sinem Tezyapar


Two days before the last election in Israel, Turkish and Israeli politicians made an appearance on Turkey’s A9 TV and expressed the necessity of solving differences with love, friendship and brotherhood.

New government in Israel opportunity for fresh start with Turkey?

Adnan Oktar (center) welcomes his guests, Rabbi Nissim Zeev (right) and Dr. Shimon Shetreet (left).

The Israeli delegation, composed of a former government minister and two prominent members of the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party, was met by founders and former lawmakers from Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party. Continue Reading »

Do Stones & Trees REALLY Command Muslims to Kill Jews?

If a Muslim should see a Jewish child hiding behind a stone & suddenly a mysterious voice comes from that stone, one can safely presume that he is suffering from an auditory hallucination.



If someone tells me, “Come here, there is a Jew here, come and kill him,” I would regard this individual as a psychopath, as no rational Muslim would do that. Even if the Jewish person in question is someone who has committed a crime, he should be put on trial and sentenced by a judge. There is a legal system and he would be punished for the particular crime he commits. Continue Reading »

Educating Muslims on the Qur’an

Turkish activist says hatred of Jews in Muslim world stems from misinterpretation of Qur’an

Sinem Tezyapar


Anti-Jewish slogans of an Egyptian Muslim cleric and past statements by President Morsi to “nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred” for Jews have come to the fore in the recent days. As it is well-known, anti-Jewish propaganda is not limited to Egypt. Millions of Muslims all over the Middle East have been conditioned to regard Jews not only as the enemies of them but also of all humanity, and hatred for Jews can be found even in textbooks of children going to kindergarten. Continue Reading »

A Turkish perspective on the Shoah

As Muslims, as Turks and as much as we want the welfare of humanity, we want the Jews to live in peace as well.



When people of reason and conscience look back on the subject of Shoah (otherwise known as the Holocaust) today, it is common to hear questions like: “How could a nation of philosophers, composers of classical music, technology, poets, in this seat of the Enlightenment itself, suddenly give place to savagery not seen since the Dark Ages? How could such dreadful, inhumane impulses seize every apparatus of a nation and cause it to commit such atrocities?” Continue Reading »

Much of What You Think You Know about Islam Isn’t So

Here in is A Response to an Antisemitic Video (below) of Egyptian Cleric Mahmoud Al-Masri.

By: Sinem Tezyapar


It is important for people to understand the context of the verses and hadiths regarding the Jews, and it is particularly important for Muslims to understand them properly. Taking verses or hadiths out of context leads not only to poor understanding, it leads to prejudicial attitudes and outright hatred of people who have done nothing wrong. Perhaps even worse is the hypocrisy of those who wish to impose their extremist views by selecting particular verses and hadiths and deliberately distorting the meaning. Continue Reading »

For America to succeed in War on Terror, it must align with true Muslims

The solution is the spreading of a Muslim model that adopts concepts required by the Qur’ans moral values, such as human rights, democracy, liberty, moral virtue, art, science and beauty, and that offers happiness and the joy of living to all mankind.


By Sinem Tezyapar

Following the attack on September 11th that caused the deaths of thousands of innocent people and the injury of many more, the United States of America initiated a wide ranging fight against terror. A large part of its resources were, and are, occupied with monitoring organizations that resort to terror and taking precautions against their activities. Continue Reading »