Welcome to the Northern Galilee!!
Come along with me to a fortified position on the northern side of the kibbutz, which includes guard towers and 2 tank turrets. From this defensive position, you will have a panoramic view of the Israeli, Lebanese and Syrian borders. A collection of rockets & mortars, weapon & spent ammunition, along with helmets & body armor are on display (wonderful for kids of all ages). A shaded seating area is provided. One bus, all ages. Recommended for summer and dry winter days.
Anyone wishing to book a lecture or tour for their Group, may do so through ‘Contact Us’ (above)
Care to see more pictures? Check out some of my lecture albums on facebook at:
Phillip Pasmanick’s Israel Security Seminar
A group from the US listen intensely as Phillip explains how residents of the Kibbutzim & Moshavim stayed safe & secure as Hezbollah shot rockets into the Northern Galilee.