Embattled Christians: Jews & Israel Support Us, but Where is the Church


At Jerusalem press conference, the Vicar of Baghdad lauds Jewish support for the Mid-East’s persecuted Christians, but blasts the Church’s relative  silence.

By Israel Today Staff


In an impassioned plea delivered at a press conference in Jerusalem on Monday, Canon Andrew White, the “Vicar of Baghdad,” noted that Israel and the Jews are openly standing up for embattled Middle East Christians, while much of the global Church remains conspicuously silent.

Canon Andrew White – Israel Today

Speaking to reporters t the Feast of Tabernacles celebration hosted by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), White pointed to fellow panelist Ron Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, and wondered, “Here we see Jews standing with us, but where is the Church?”

White, who has been eye witness to horrific atrocities during the ISIS advance in Iraq, went on to note that some Christians had expressed support for their persecuted brothers and sisters, but that far too often it had taken the form of letters of condolence and encouragement.

“With all due respect, letters are not going to feed my people,” said White, who explained that thousands upon thousands of Christians have been forced to flee in the face of the Islamist horde and are today living in refugee camp conditions with little-to-no sustenance.


View original Israel Today publication at: http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/25416/Default.aspx