Arab protesters break huge hole in Israel’s security barrier, cross into Jerusalem & are welcomed with rubber bullets by Israel Border Guard.
By Maayana Miskin
Dozens of Arab men held a protest Friday against the security barrier that runs between Abu Dis and Jerusalem.

‘Returning’ from Israel after being fired at with rubber bullets – Screenshot
As part of the protest, the men took large hammers and created a gaping hole in the wall. Several men used the hole to enter Jerusalem without going through a security checkpoint.
The protest was part of the “Nakba Day” events in which Arabs mourn the creation of the state of Israel.
The protesters say that Border Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets after they broke through the barrier, and that several people were hurt.
Border Police did not prevent the men from damaging the barrier, but have stationed officers at the site to prevent future infiltrations until the hole can be fixed.
The separation barrier was designed to protect major Israeli communities from terrorism originating in Palestinian Authority-controlled Arab cities in Judea and Samaria. It was intended to run through much of Judea and Samaria. Construction on the barrier was frozen for years due to budget constraints, but is scheduled to restart this year.
The barrier has faced opposition from both PA Arabs and from some Israelis in Judea and Samaria, who say it splits their communities. Other Israelis support the barrier, saying it prevents terrorist murders.
A recent video shows PA Arab men freely entering Israel despite the barrier.
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