MEDIA BIAS EXPOSED: CNN finally includes Tel Aviv after mass protests highlighted Israel’s exclusion from a featured graphic of the worst terror attacks that occurred throughout Ramadan.
News network CNN has updated a graphic it featured this week listing some of the deadliest terror attacks that occurred throughout the month of Ramadan to include reference to the July 8 shooting attack in Tel Aviv.
An advocacy group for Israel, Stand With Us, pointed out the update on its social media, claiming that “criticism” led to the change.
Updated map: This graphic shows the extent of terror attacks throughout Ramadan in 2016 https://t.co/bNYdnbaQ8Y pic.twitter.com/FT4dcpp24T
— CNN (@CNN) July 5, 2016
But the graphic does not include reference to several other attacks that have occurred within Israel and the Palestinian territories, including the fatal stabbing of a teenage girl in her bedroom and the murder of a father in front of his wife and kids.
CNN offered The Jerusalem Post comment to explain the decision of which attacks to include in the graphic.
“We included the attack in Tel Aviv on June 8 that killed four people, because, in line with the other terror attacks listed on the map, we felt rose to the level of a large scale, mass terror attack,” said Allison Gollust, executive vice president and chief marketing officer of CNN Worldwide.
“The other four that you mention, while of course horrible incidents, we did not feel rose to the level of Tel Aviv and the others on the map in terms of style of attack and number of casualties, which is why they were not included in our count.”
View original The Jerusalem Post publication at: