Dr. Yehuda David who won his own Supreme Court case in France, regrets not being part of the latest Al-Dura hoax slander suit, & gives Mohammed al-Dura’s real cause of death.
By Maayana Miskin
The Israeli doctor who won a libel suit victory in the Mohammed al-Dura case regrets that he was unable to help French media analyst Philippe Karsenty to do the same.
Dr. Yehuda David won his case in France’s Supreme Court in 2012 after being accused of libel for revealing that Jamal Al-Dura, Mohammed al-Dura’s father, had lied. Karsenty lost his own Supreme Court case this week, and was convicted of defamation for accusing French state television of deliberately staging the hoax.
In an interview with Arutz Sheva, David repeated his assertion that the Mohammed al-Dura shooting video was fake, and revealed what he believes was the child’s real cause of death.
“Mohammed al-Dura’s father assisted Israel. Hamas murdered one of his children. Then they demanded that he bring a different son – Rami al-Dura – and make it look like IDF soldiers were murdering him,” he declared.
“That child who was supposedly killed by the IDF is alive to this day,” he added.
David has previously noted that Mohammed al-Dura is on record as having been admitted to a Gaza hospital several hours prior to the alleged shooting involving the IDF.
He expressed regret that he had not been present to help Karsenty in his libel suit. David explained his own winning strategy when facing France’s highest court.
“It’s a totally political trial. That’s why in my trial I fled from politics and focused on scientific proofs based on medical documents,” he recalled.
After an initial conviction by a lower court, “I changed my strategy and focused on the science. That was Karsenty’s mistake, that he waged a political war with a political court,” David asserted.
He expressed regret that he had not been called to testify on Karsenty’s behalf, as the doctor who proved in court that Jamal al-Dura’s supposed bullet wound scars were actually scars from surgery performed by an Israeli doctor – himself.
“That was [Karsenty’s] fatal mistake, that he didn’t use me. He had a winning card, I introduced him at one point to the man who was commander at the IDF position, his testimony was also golden – but he decided to go it alone, and that is why it didn’t work,” he said.
While he was not a part of the Karsenty trial, he still may be part of its aftermath, David revealed. “I will read up on the verdict, and if necessary I will raise the banners again” and go back to France to defend Israel, he explained.
“It is completely unacceptable that any country accuse us of murdering a child when we didn’t do it,” he concluded.
View original Arutz Sheva publication at: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/169402#.Uc1K4px0k9E