Born in Ramallah, Sandra Solomon moved to Canada, converted to Christianity, became a vocal critic of Islam and is a staunch defender of the Jewish State.
By i24news
The niece of one of the founders of the ruling Palestinian Fatah party was disowned by her family after moving to Canada, converting to Christianity and inking “Israel” in Hebrew letters on her upper back, the Ma’an news agency reported.
Toronto resident Sandra Solomon, 38, was born a Muslim in Ramallah and is the niece of Saher Habash, one of the top Palestinian operatives during the Second Intifada and a key aide of late leader Yasser Arafat.
She grew up in Saudi Arabia before settling in Canada, where she changed her Arabic name to the Anglophone-sounding Sandra, converted to Christianity. She has become a vocal critic of Islam and a staunch defender of Israel.
In a statement quoted by Ma’an, Solomon’s West Bank-based family said they were disowning her as she “was not seeking truth but rather fame and fortune. When she failed to make a big splash by converting to Christianity from Islam, she decided to start catering to the Zionists.”
She told Israel’s Channel Two News she was raised to hate Israel and believe that Nazi leader Adolph Hitler was a great man. According to CIJ, a Hebrew-language Canadian news site devoted to Jewish affairs, aged 21 she was forced to marry to a Palestinian man, whom she later divorced.
In addition to the pro-Israel tattoo on her back, she sports one on her forearm that reads “Jesus” in Hebrew letters, the Channel Two report shows.
Solomon has launched a YouTube channel under the handle “Jesus for ISIS” that features videos such as “Why muslims (sic) enjoy being miserable,” “MUSLIMS ARE NOT SAVED 2 (sic)” and “Because of hussien islam is alive today !!! (sic),” which have amassed six, eleven and three views respectively.
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