Israel’s Security Services thwart Tel Aviv suicide bombing attack – 5 Arabs Arrested

Shin Bet reports plot how highly motivated Palestinian woman from Jenin, assisted by 4 men from Tulkarm, plotted to dress up as pregnant Jewish woman to carry out suicide attack in Tel Aviv.

By Lilach Shoval & Israel Hayom Staff


The suspects include Jenin resident Yasmin Sha’aban, who was the designated suicide bomber. She planned to wear an explosive belt hidden under her clothes while disguised as a pregnant Jewish woman. Sha’aban intended to obtain an entry permit into Israel for medical reasons and use it to carry out a suicide attack in the Tel Aviv area.

A security checkpoint Sign says: “Stop, For Security Check” [Illustrative] – Photo: Michel Dot Com

The other four suspects are all men who reside in the Tulkarm area. The Shin Bet said all five suspects have implicated themselves in the terrorist plot.

Following the arrests, a homemade M-16 rifle, a hunting rifle, ammunition, and explosive materials were confiscated by Israeli security forces.

The suspects admitted they were in contact with a terrorist operative from the Gaza Strip, who instructed them on how to assemble the explosive belt.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad planned to claim joint responsibility for the suicide attack, the Shin Bet said.

The suspects also confessed to the planning of a shooting attack, the bombing a bus carrying soldiers, and the abduction of an Israeli soldier.

Sha’aban and another suspect have been charged with terrorism offenses before the Samaria Military Court. Charges against the other suspects are pending.

The Shin Bet said the foiled plot showed the “high motivation” of Palestinian terrorists to carry out attacks, particularly after Operation Protective Edge in the Gaza Strip this summer. The agency noted the plot was also evidence of how Gaza terrorist groups were seeking operatives in Samaria to plan and carry out attacks.


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