Channel 2’s Mid-East political analyst believes Iran, Hamas & Hezbollah will quickly test Israel’s new leftist government.
A leading Israeli expert on Middle East affairs warned on Friday that if Isaac Herzog wins Tuesday’s elections and becomes the next prime minister, Israel’s enemies will certainly take the opportunity to test the Jewish state’s new leadership militarily.
“If a government headed by Herzog is established, I will not be surprised if there is an attempt by the Iranian-Hezbollah-Hamas side to test it, very early on,” said Channel 2 analyst Ehud Ya’ari.
Channel 2’s security affairs reporter Ronny Daniel countered that the defense establishment, and not the prime minister, determines Israel’s military policies.
Of course, Israel’s enemies are not necessarily intimately familiar with the inner workings of its government. And it has been proved in the past that different prime ministers will approve different types of actions depending on the scenario.
In the course of his reelection campaign, Netanyahu has repeated warned that a victory for Herzog would pose a severe threat to Israel’s security as enemies around the region would view the new and untested government as vulnerable and weak.