In keeping with Palestinian tradition, Christians used as scapegoats with Abbas’ PA turning off the Christmas lights in Bethlehem in anti-Trump demonstration.
By Israel Today Staff
There were a lot of Arab responses to US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, most of them bordering on hysteria.
But none were quite so silly as the Palestinian Authority turning off the Christmas lights in Bethlehem, the city of Jesus’ birth.
Apparently, recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish nation, as Jesus himself did, is reason to suck the joy out of the holiday season.

Bethlehem Christmas tree – Photo: Bishara Shlayan/Facebook
Israeli Arab Christian political activist Bishara Shlayan posted the above photo to Facebook.
The caption expresses Shlayan’s deep frustration over such a ludicrous act of protest, especially given that everyone, including the Arabs, already know and accept the reality that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
Rather than punish local Christians, Shlayan demanded that Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas resign immediately. It is a sentiment shared by many other local Arabs.
View original Israel Today publication at: http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/32918/Default.aspx