In a historic departure from the dictated ‘Two State Solution’ Netanyahu, who also spoke with reporters after his meeting with Trump, did not mention it, rather touched on other subjects.
By Hezki Baruch,
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday held a press briefing following his meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump, in which he revealed that he asked Trump to fully recognize Israel’s presence in Golan Heights as part of the State of Israel.
He noted that Trump did not rule out the possibility and was not surprised by the request.
Netanyahu also hailed the friendship between the United States and Israel, saying, “I’ve felt quite a few miracles in my life and I can say that we have never had a greater friend than Trump. We discussed the major challenges in the Middle East and talked about a dramatic upgrade in the relations between Israel and the United States.”
Relating to the Israel-Palestinian Authority (PA) issue, Netanyahu said that he and Trump agreed to discuss the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria soon in order to reach an understanding and to strive for peace.
Asked if the two-state solution is no longer an option in the wake of Trump’s comments that he would not necessarily push for that specific solution, Netanyahu replied, “In my perception, Israel will maintain, under all circumstances, the highest authority on security issues and I will insist on that.”
“I do not want to annex two million Palestinians to Israel, but must ensure that we will not be subjected to the terror from a Palestinian state,” added the Prime Minister, who refrained throughout the briefing from mentioning the term “two states”.
Referring to the possibility of the American embassy in Israel moving from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the Prime Minister noted, “Trump is looking into the issue and he heard that we are interested [in such a move]. He is working on it.”
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