PA Smugglers End up with 90,000 Broken Eggs

PA Arabs try to smuggle 90,000 eggs with faked stamps of approval. Israeli inspectors found them hidden behind mattresses.

An attempt by Palestinian Authority Arabs to smuggle from Samaria (Shomron) 90,000 eggs with faked stamps of approval was foiled by inspectors who found them hidden behind mattresses.

Eggs hidden behind mattresses

Eggs hidden behind mattresses - Israel news photo: Health Department

Illegal trafficking of meat, eggs, vegetables, animals and other items that could endanger the health of millions of Israelis is common at Judea and Samaria checkpoints.

The smugglers apparently thought they might get away scot-free by traveling in the wee hours of the night, but the inspectors were alert and ready.

They stooped the smugglers’ truck, which was loaded with mattresses. Perhaps working with advanced information, the inspectors began moving away the mattresses, one by one, and found the illegal stash – 90,000 eggs.

The passage of the truck through the checkpoint between Karnei Shomron and Kalkilya, next to Kfar Saba, was well planned, with all of the eggs bearing a faked stamp of a well-known and reliable firm that marks every egg as being approved for consumption.

The fake stamp hides the origin of the eggs, which were hatched without proper supervision.

A Health Department official said, “With every time we catch the smugglers, we notice that they use increasingly sophisticated methods that can endanger the health of the public. It is prohibited to ship Palestinian Authority eggs to the general market in Israel because there is no local veterinary supervision of the chickens and we have no ability to supervise the sanitary conditions and proper refrigeration.”


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By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu