Tag Archive for Chuck Norris

Netanyahu welcomes Chuck Norris then ‘dismisses’ bodyguards, as redundant


WATCH: Netanyahu jokes welcoming Chuck Norris into the Prime Minister’s Office saying, “Israel is strong, but it’s indestructible with you around.”
– Chuck Norris, “You’ll always have my support.”

By Israel Today Staff


Legendary Hollywood action star Chuck Norris was in Israel this week, as previously reported.

As expected, Norris met with his good friend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while in Jerusalem.

Playing on popular Internet memes, Netanyahu joked, “Israel is strong, but it’s indestructible now” as Norris entered the room.

Netanyahu also jokingly dismissed his bodyguards, suggesting they weren’t needed with Norris around.


View original Israel Today publication at:
http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/31092/Default.aspx Continue Reading »

Warriors for Israel get posted on Twitter having dinner in Herzliya


Israel’s former Foreign Ministry director Dore Gold posted a photo on Twitter with actor & martial artist Chuck Norris, at a restaurant in Herzliya on Saturday.



Chuck Norris is so tough, he’s taken on the Middle East.

Well, perhaps.

The actor and martial artist who spurred an Internet craze of pop culture satirical factoids about his persona was in Israel this weekend.

Former Foreign Ministry director-general Dore Gold posted a photograph of himself alongside the Walker, Texas Ranger star at a restaurant in Herzliya on Saturday.

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