Tag Archive for crimes against humanity

Israel recruits foreign interns to assist in Int’l Court charges against Hamas, PA leaders

Jerusalem Institute of Justice CEO says dozens of foreign legal interns will be hosted to assist in bringing International Criminal Court charges against Hamas & PA leaders, as part of a program promoting human rights and the rule of ‎law.

By Yair Altman


An initiative by the Jerusalem Institute of Justice ‎hosts dozens of foreign legal interns a year as part ‎of Israel’s international public diplomacy efforts. ‎ The program was launched in 2010 as part of the ‎JIJ’s vision to promote human rights, the rule of ‎law, and the freedom of thought, conscience and ‎democracy. ‎

Since then, the institute has been hosting interns from around ‎the world who have an academic background in ‎international law, administration and politics, and ‎who are actively involved in research projects ‎focusing on human rights in the Middle East from an ‎Israeli perspective.‎ Continue Reading »

NGO to file for ICC probe against Haniyeh, Abbas for crimes against humanity

The Israeli NGO, the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, seeks to open it’s second war crimes probe against Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh at the ICC for the militarization of young children, the deliberant, unyielding exploitation of civilians as human shields and Hamas’ indiscriminate rocket fire against civilians.



An Israeli NGO is pushing the International Criminal Court to investigate Palestinian leaders for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

On September 13, the Jerusalem Institute of Justice plans to file its second request this year to the ICC prosecutor’s office asking that it open a war crimes probe against Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh for the militarization of children under the age of 15. Continue Reading »

Jerusalem org charges Palestinian leaders with ‘crimes against humanity’ at ICC

Palestinian autocrat Mahmoud Abbas & Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh are accused by the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, a nonprofit organization advocating democracy in the Middle East, of facilitating multiple human rights violations, including extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests, illegal detention and torture.

By Yair Altman


The Jerusalem Institute of Justice, a nonprofit organization advocating democracy in the Middle East, aims to urge the International Criminal Court in the Hague to investigate the conduct Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas political bureau chief (and former Prime Minister) Ismail Haniyeh for crimes against humanity.

In their request, to be submitted in the coming weeks, the group says Hamas and the PA are responsible for a host of human rights violations against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, including torture. Continue Reading »