Tag Archive for Israel Guinea

It’s Official: Israel and Guinea Finalize Diplomatic Ties!


With the intentions of supporting each other in world forums and on the war on terror, Israel’s Foreign Ministry Director General met with Guinea’s president to finalize ambassadorial appointments, a formality not undertaken since Guinea cut ties with Israel in 1967.

By Shlomo Cesana


Israeli Foreign Ministry Director General Dore Gold met with Guinean President Alpha Conde and 10 of his ministers, including the foreign, defense, finance, energy, and development ministers, in the West African country’s capital of Conakry on Monday.

Guinea - Google Maps

During the meeting, they finalized the process of appointing mutual ambassadors with government officials.

The meeting also focused on the war on terror and the two countries’ commitments to support each other in international forums. Continue Reading »

The Muslim African country of Guinea signs diplomatic relations with Israel


In a bi-lateral agreement signed in Paris, the sub-Saharan Muslim state of Guinea commenced diplomatic relations with Israel on Wednesday after severing ties in 1967.

By Michael Zeff/TPS


Foreign Ministry Director General Dore Gold and the secretary of the Guinean president signed an official agreement establishing diplomatic ties on Wednesday evening in Paris.

Foreign Ministry Chairman Dore Gold opened relations with the African nation of Guinea

The Republic of Guinea, a Muslim country in sub-Saharan West Africa, used to be a territory within French West Africa. The state was established in 1958 after it gained independence from France. Continue Reading »