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UAE Islamic organization issues fatwa against travel to Mars

After hearing of Mars One announcement of future missions to Mars, UAE state-run Muslim authority issues fatwa saying traveling to Mars akin to suicide.



A Muslim organization in the United Arab Emirates has issued a fatwa barring followers of Islam from living on Mars, according to a Wednesday report in the British newspaper the Daily Mail.

NASA’s newest Mars rover, Curiosity, before pulling off a flawless landing on the Martian soil. - Image NASA JPL-Calteched

NASA’s newest Mars rover, Curiosity, before pulling off a flawless landing on the Martian soil. – Image: NASA JPL-Caltech

The fatwa was issued after Mars One, a Netherlands-based non-profit which aims to colonize the red planet, announced that it will build a colony for four people on Earth’s nearest neighbor by 2025. Continue Reading »