During home renovations, a family from Jerusalem discovered a 2,000 yr-old mikveh right underneath their floors, verifying that there was an earlier Jewish settlement at the site.
By Itay Blumenthal
Renovations in a Jerusalem home recently uncovered an ancient mikveh (ritual bath) dating from the Second Temple Period, believed to be over 2,000 years old.
They were on Wednesday to receive a certificate of appreciation from the Authority for reporting the discovery.
The mikveh is considered relatively large, at 3.5 meters long, 2.4 meters wide and 1.8 meters deep. It is carved in stone and dug according the religious laws. Another staircase leads to the bottom of the immersion pool.
“Cases such as this, where antiquities are discovered under a private residence, can occur only in Israel, and particularly in Jerusalem,” said Amit Ram, the Antiquity Authority’s district archeologist in Jerusalem.
“Beyond the excitement and the unusual story of the mikveh’s discovery, its exposure has archeological importance.
“Ein Kerem is considered a holy place in Christianity because of its association with the ‘city of Judah’, where the New Testament says John the Baptist was born and where Elizabeth, John’s mother, met Mary, mother of Jesus.
“But archeological remnants in Ein Kerem and its environments are few and far between. The discovery of the mikveh bolsters the theory that in today’s Ein Kerem there was a Jewish settlement in the Second Temple era.”
Pottery from the Second Temple Period and signs of burning were found in the mikveh, which may indicate evidence for the Great Revolt of 66-70 CE. Pieces of stone tools common in the Second Temple Period were also found on the floor of the mikveh.
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