Keffiyeh clad terror-dolls brandishing rock in hand seized by customs at Haifa port


4,000 PA bound terrorist-dolls were discovered in a shipment from the United Arab Emirates that raised custom’s officials suspicion.

By Ahiya Raved


“Inciting dolls,” that is the terminology used by Tax Authority officials to describe boxed dolls which were seized in Haifa as part of a shipment from the UAE.

terrorist doll – Haifa customs

Boxes within the shipment contained about 4,000 dolls. The dolls feature a scarf bearing an image of the Al Aqsa mosque, and they were adorned with nationalist phrases like, “Jerusalem, we are coming,” and Jerusalem for us.” All the dolls – which were painted in the colors of the Palestinian flag, feature a cocked arm holding a rock.

As a result of the symbolism, the dolls were deemed inciting materials. The dolls faces were covered in Keffiyehs and were bound for sale in the Palestinian territories.

The containers in which the dolls were found were labeled as clothing, carpets and plastic items. A source told ynet that the container was identified by the “profiling” system at the Haifa cargo terminal. After the containers were identified as suspicious, they were sent to an x-ray which showed the undeclared dolls.

Other unlisted items were found in the containers, including soles for military boats and candles. The Haifa customs drug unit seized the goods and has opened an investigation.

Photo: Haifa customs

Haifa port’s customs manager, Kobi Yahav, said, “Customs units will continue their day to day work in preventing smuggling attempts to Israel. We place special importance on weapons and incitement materials, especially in times like these.”


View original Ynet publication at:,7340,L-4736605,00.html