Tag Archive for Customs agents

Israel’s Shin Bet Nabs 4 tons of Hamas-bound chemicals used for rocket fuel


Released for publication: Just prior to Passover, Israeli customs & security officials at the Nitzana Border Crossing with Egypt seized 4 tons of ammonium chloride concealed within a shipment of salt, destined for Gaza.



Security forces have foiled an attempt to smuggle into Gaza four tons of chemicals that can be used to manufacture long-rang rockets, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) announced on Tuesday morning.

Nabbed by Israel’s Shin Bet

Before the Passover holiday, customs and Shin Bet officials at the Nitzana Border Crossing used by Egypt, Israel and the Palestinian Authority seized the four tons of  ammonium chloride concealed within a shipment of salt. Continue Reading »

Keffiyeh clad terror-dolls brandishing rock in hand seized by customs at Haifa port


4,000 PA bound terrorist-dolls were discovered in a shipment from the United Arab Emirates that raised custom’s officials suspicion.

By Ahiya Raved


“Inciting dolls,” that is the terminology used by Tax Authority officials to describe boxed dolls which were seized in Haifa as part of a shipment from the UAE.

terrorist doll – Haifa customs

Boxes within the shipment contained about 4,000 dolls. The dolls feature a scarf bearing an image of the Al Aqsa mosque, and they were adorned with nationalist phrases like, “Jerusalem, we are coming,” and Jerusalem for us.” All the dolls – which were painted in the colors of the Palestinian flag, feature a cocked arm holding a rock. Continue Reading »

Israel Customs Authority Confiscate Islamic State Rings Imported by Palestinians

Israel Customs Agents intercept large shipment of gold & silver rings highlighting ISIS slogans, that were to be sold in Ramallah to Palestinians who support the murderous organization.

By Israel Today Staff


Israeli Customs agents earlier this month discovered 120 rings bearing ISIS slogans bound for a jewelry shop in the de facto Palestinian Authority capital of Ramallah.

Rings bearing ISIS slogans bound for the Palestinian Authority capital of Ramallah – Israeli authorities

Like all packages transiting via Ben Gurion Airport en route to the Palestinian Authority, this particular package from a seller in Turkey underwent strict security checks.

During the course of these checks, an Israeli agent well versed in Arabic noticed the now-famous ISIS slogans and immediately informed superiors. Continue Reading »

Israel Customs Officials Nab Tourist From India with Diamond Laden Underwear

In their tireless efforts to perform their duties, officials of the Israel Tax Authority allow nothing to hinder the collection of taxes – not even a pair of underwear.

By Yaakov Levi


In their efforts to collect taxes due the government, workers of the Israel Tax Authority allow nothing to stand in their way – not even a pair of underwear, which is where they discovered a stash of undeclared diamonds earlier this week.

It should be noted that the diamonds were discovered in the underwear – as it was being worn by its owner. The diamonds were estimated to be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Continue Reading »