A legal watchdog group called on the State Dept. Inspector General to look into the fact that to finance the Palestinians, the Biden administration nefariously omitted in its Congressional report continued Palestinian incitement to violence, support for terrorism & the BDS movement, and teaches in its schools that Israel does not have a right to exist.
By Dan Verbin
An American legal watchdog group on Wednesday accused the Biden administration of being involved in an illegal coverup to hide Palestinian Authority (PA) support for terrorism.

This is ‘Pay to Slay’: Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas rewards terrorists with state-funded lifetime monthly stipends incrementally based on the number of Israeli Jews they murdered.
The America First Legal Foundation (AFLF) in a report submitted to Congress called on the State Department Inspector General to look into the fact that the Biden administration erased mentions of the PA’s incitement to violence, support for terrorism and the BDS movement, reported Breitbart.
“If State Department officials knowingly and willfully omitted or covered up material facts in this report, which is required by law, it could violate 18 U.S.C. 1001, the criminal statute prohibiting lying to Congress,” the group’s report stated.
As detailed by the Washington Free Beacon, a report compiled by the Trump administration in October 2020 listed evidence of PA support for terror and BDS. However, that information was removed from the reported by the Biden administration.

Official logos to six different UNRWA financed schools that include the UN logos along with map of Israel replaced by Palestine. – Photos: ElderOfZiyon.blogspot.
One of the sections removed by the Biden White House stated: “Some PA schools and media outlets continue to promote the idea that Israel does not have a right to exist and support the elimination of Israel on maps that show ‘Palestine’ covering over Israel with indication ‘Palestine’ will be ‘liberated’ in the future.”
The ALFL said that the sections were removed to make it possible “to facilitate the transfer of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to the Palestinians.”
The Biden White House “unlawfully [concealed] multiple material derogatory facts regarding the Palestinian Authority’s ongoing economic, political, and ideological support for terrorism; economic warfare against Israel; and opposition to regional peace,” wrote Reed Rubinstein, AFLF’s senior lawyer, in a letter to acting State Department Inspector General Diana Shaw.
He continued, “Derogatory facts were deleted, expunged, and concealed not because circumstances on the ground had changed, but rather because officials in the Department’s Bureau of Near East Affairs and in the Biden White House decided to cover them up, at least in part to facilitate the planned transfer of hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority in potential violation of U.S. law.”

Abbas pays monthly pensions to terrorists, or their families that add up to a total of $330 million each year.
“I write to request your office immediately open an investigation of the Acting Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Legislative Affairs and of the political and career officials in the Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs responsible for the Biden Administration’s decision to conceal and cover up material derogatory facts regarding the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority from the Congress,” he concluded.
View original Arutz Sheva publication at:
President Biden & Co. are supporting Radical Islam:
1st with their support of Lebanon, as Hezbollah destroys the country.
Yesterday’s decision allowing the Taliban to take over Afghanistan.
Now, lying to Congress in violation of the ‘Taylor Force Act’.
‘as a light unto the nations’