CNN apologized Tuesday night for mistakes in its coverage of the earlier terror attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem.

CNN’s initial report on Jerusalem terror attack - Photo:screenshot
CNN ran a ticker that read, “4 Israelis, 2 Palestinians dead in Jerusalem,” failing to note that the two Palestinians were the terrorists.
Later, CNN apologized for the headline, writing: “As CNN updated its reporting on the terrorist attack on the synagogue in Jerusalem earlier today, our coverage did not immediately reflect the fact that the two Palestinians killed were the attackers. We erred and regret the mistake.”
However, in a separate reporting gaffe, CNN superimposed their preliminary coverage of the terror attack with the headline: “Deadly attack on Jerusalem mosque.”

Best they ‘try’….CNN can’t get it right
The Foreign Ministry issued a directive to its delegations around the world calling on them to immediately protest to media outlets distorting reports about the attack.
The directive followed a number of examples of what the ministry said was poor reporting, including the CNN ticker and a headline in the French daily Le Monde that read “Six killed in Jerusalem,” giving a distorted picture of what happened by lumping the perpetrators with the victims.
Following a protest from the embassy in Paris, Le Monde changed the headline to read that four Israelis and “two Palestinian attackers” were killed.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nachshon said that from Israel’s perspective, “tendentious reports and lies are meant to distort the reality, to defame Israel and in practice (if not always by intent) give a back-wind to terror.”
View original The Jerusalem Post publication at: