Rabbi Isaac Schapira is to receive the appointment of Officer of Order of British Empire by Queen Elizabeth, in recognition for strengthening ties between UK & the ultra-Orthodox community
By Ynetnews
A leading member of Israel‘s ultra-Orthodox community is to receive a rare honor from Queen Elizabeth, Buckingham Palace announced this week.

Rabbi Isaac Schapira – Photo: Ben Kelmer/British Embassy)
Isaac Schapira, son of Rabbi Abraham Yosef Schapira, a leader of Agudath Israel and a former member of the Knesset, will receive the appointment of an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE). He has been given the award in recognition for strengthening the ties between the UK and the haredi community.
Isaac Schapira said in response to receiving the award, “I am deeply honored by this award. As the first person to receive an honor for building links between the haredi community and the British government, I see this award as a mark of great respect for our community. I have been proud to witness for myself the British Government’s warmth and supportive attitude towards our community.”
Queen of England – Photo: Reuters
Commenting on the award, British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould said: “I am delighted that Her Majesty has chosen to honor Isaac with this award. Isaac’s efforts have helped us build a friendship and understanding between Britain and the haredi community. Isaac has devoted huge time over many years to helping me and my predecessors get to know this vital and important part of Israeli society.”
View original Ynet publication at: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4472305,00.html