Arab world forced into reality when Dr. Edy Cohen’s amazing offer causes a social media storm with his tweet proving there never was a country called “Palestine.”
By Ryan Jones
The Palestinian narrative tells us that there was once a “Palestinian” people or nation living in a country called “Palestine” that was conquered and occupied by Israel.
This fiction is necessary because under international law, there can only be “occupation” if one nation takes land from another. If one nation took land that didn’t legally belong to any another, and has some compelling reason to have done so, then it is “disputed,” not occupied.
Tweet by @EdyCohen – Screenshot by IsraelandStuff/PP
Back to the point, the Arab world at large has today internalized the lie that there was once a “Palestine” that is today occupied by Israel. But it’s a lie that is exceedingly simply to disprove, no matter how deep the brainwashing.
And that’s just what our very own Arab affairs correspondent Dr. Edy Cohen did last week with a Twitter post that went viral across the Arab Middle East.
“I will pay $100,000 to anyone who can tell me the names of the Palestinian president and army chief of staff at the time Israel occupied Palestine. Also attach photos of these men,” wrote Cohen in Arabic.
Cohen has half-a-million followers on Twitter, and the post was shared and seen by hundreds of thousands. Of course, no one could provide an acceptable response. There was no president or chief of staff, because there was no “Palestine.”
Addressing his Hebrew-speaking followers on Twitter, Cohen later reported:
“The tweet aroused great interest among the Arabs and received more than 291,000 views. They had no answer. The Arabs were in shock. Slowly they begin to understand the brainwashing they have been subjected to for 75 years.”
View original Israel Today publication at:
ABOUT The Author:

Dr. Edy Cohen
Dr. Edy Cohen is a historian, media commentator and journalist holding an official Israeli press pass specializing in inter-Arab relations, the Arab-Israeli conflict, Islamist terrorism, and the history of Jewish communities in the Arab world. He earned his doctorate at Bar-Ilan University and currently serves as a researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies.
Dr. Cohen grew up as a Jew in Lebanon (!), completing his early years of education in Christian schools. In 1991, like so many other 20th-century Jews struggling to preserve their rich heritage within hostile Arab societies, Edy Cohen and his family were forced to flee lethal Arab anti-Semitism. Once resettled in Israel, he was able to manifest his love for Israel and commitment to Zionism openly and freely, and today Dr. Cohen is well known for his willingness to both call out anti-Semitism wherever it lurks and challenge any and all signs of retreat from Zionism’s fundamental tenets.
As a native speaker and writer of Arabic, Dr. Cohen regularly crosses media divides, communicating directly with Arab audiences and providing them with perspectives on Israel that they would otherwise never receive.
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…just a ‘FYI’…
Once the Arab World blindly believed the ‘Palestinian narrative‘.
– With the Abraham Accords growing, and Israel’s history becoming more accessible in the Arab states, the obvious is finally being accepted: The ‘narrative’ was concocted to undermine Israeli sovereignty, but in the process, made 10’s of BILLION$ available for embezzling, which is now the only reason Peace will never be agreed upon by ALL the kleptocrats in charge.
The ‘Palestinian Narrative’ was finally exposed with the collapse of the U.S.S.R. and the thousands of Jewish Russians who migrated to Israel.
One such new immigrant, arrived with a suitcase of ‘secret’ KGB documents. They detailed an intricate plan on how the U.S.S.R. was able to stymie growing American influence among the Arab States of the mid-East & north-Africa in the early 1960’s, enabling Russia almost exclusive ‘friendship’ with the majority of the OPEC states.
Interested in reading more of this amazing revelation?
‘as a light unto the nations’