Tag Archive for Ein el Hilweh

Warring Palestinians in Lebanon turn refugee camp into war-zone, 10 dead, 50 injured


Israel Defense Minister:  World’s hypocrisy and double standard seen again as Lebanese Army allows ongoing clashes between religious militants and Palestinians in the middle of Ein el Hilweh, causing death, devastation and scores injured.

By Roi Kais and Itay Blumentha


Approximately 10 people were killed and 50 wounded in ongoing confrontation in the Ein El Hilweh refugee camp in Lebanon between Palestinian factions and Islamists affiliated with the Salafi movement. Recently, an attempt was made to reach a cease-fire, and now the person who heads an armed group and is affiliated with the Salafis is being pursued.

Under the Cairo agreement signed in the early 1970s, the Lebanese army does not enter the Palestinian refugee camps. Continue Reading »