Tag Archive for Geneva Conventions

Israel’s AG gives ‘OK’ to relocate terrorists’ families within West Bank

Israel’s Attorney General suggests relocating terrorists’ families within Judea & Samaria, arguing that expulsions to Syria or Gaza, proposed by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, violate int’l law and may expose Israel to charges at the ICC.

By Tova Tzimuki & Itamar Eichner


After expressing his stance that the expulsion of the families of terrorists to Gaza or to Syria contravenes international law and would expose Israel to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Attorney General Avcihai Mandelblit has decided to allow the government to expel families within the West Bank.

Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – Photo: Marc Israel Sellem

Mandelblit is expected to inform Prime Minister Netanyahu that the expulsion of families from one city to another within the West Bank will be allowed, but only in cases where it can be shown that the family knew in advance of their relative’s intentions. Continue Reading »

Legal Analysis: Can the ICC rule Jewish settlements as war crimes?

A few Israeli legal experts and state advisors on int’l law present their opinions how the ICC could go after some settlements, if they accepted to hear the case.



One of the most speculative ideas going around as the PA’s accession to the International Criminal Court Rome Statute is due to go into effect on Wednesday is whether the ICC can go after the settlements as war crimes and how?

West Bank settlement of Ofra north of Ramallah. Photo: REUTERS

Legal considerations aside, the PA reportedly will delay pushing forward with the ICC as part of an informal deal with Israel to receive its custom tax revenue which Israel was withholding and general diplomatic pressure may prevent the Palestinians or the ICC from moving any real cases forward. Continue Reading »

Abbas’ move at signing international treaties could backfire, bigtime


An Israeli lawyer reveals that if the PA president decides to use the new formal status as signatory to Geneva Conventions to file war crimes charges against Israelis, it may simply open himself up to past & future counter-complaints.

By Itamar Eichner


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ recent grand gesture in front of the cameras, asking to join 14 international treaties and conventions, could open him and other Palestinian officials up to prosecution for war crimes, according to one Israeli lawyer.

PA leader Abbas may face charges in the Hague. (Photo: AP)

PA leader Abbas may face charges in the Hague. – Photo: AP

Last year, Mordechai Zivin filed a complaint against Abbas and senior members of Hamas at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Continue Reading »

Switzerland registers ‘State of Palestine’ as Signatory of Geneva Conventions

In Abbas’ latest move to gain legitimacy, Switzerland agreed to sign ‘Palestine’s’ request on to the Geneva Conventions.

By AFP and Arutz Sheva Staff


The Palestinian Authority (PA) has signed up formally to the Geneva Conventions, which set down the rules of warfare and humanitarian operations in conflict zones, the treaties’ guardian Switzerland confirmed Friday.

Mahmoud Abbas – Reuters

Swiss foreign ministry spokesman Pierre-Alain Eltschinger told AFP that the PA had declared itself party to the conventions on April 2. The PA was registered formally by Switzerland on Thursday, he added.

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas unilaterally applied to join 15 international conventions and treaties late last week. Continue Reading »

UN calls for immediate withdraw from settlements and sanctions against Israel

In the UNHRC’s harshest condemnation of Israeli since 1967, the 3 UN investigators report Israel is in violation of the Geneva Conventions and must ‘cease all settlement activities without precondition’.



JERUSALEM (JTA) — A United Nations investigation into the impact of Jewish West Bank settlements on the Palestinian population said that Israel should immediately begin to withdraw all settlers from the territory.

The report issued Thursday by the U.N. Human Rights Council based in Geneva said that settlement violate the 1949 Geneva Conventions and that failure to withdraw could lead to a finding of war crimes at the International Criminal Court. Continue Reading »