Tag Archive for relocate

Ukrainian parliamentarians urge President to recognize Jerusalem

86 Ukrainian lawmakers submit a bill calling on President Zelenskiy, the country’s newly elected Jewish head of state to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and follow in President Trump’s decision by relocating their ambassador and embassy to Jerusalem.

By Itamar Eichner


Ukraine might soon follow in the footsteps of the United States and move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, after dozens of Ukrainian lawmakers co-authored a draft calling on the country’s new president to recognize the holy city as Israel’s capital.

Some 86 – out of 450 – members of the Ukrainian parliament (The Verkhovna Rada) already submitted the bill for a vote, according to reports in the country’s media on Friday. Continue Reading »

Israel’s AG gives ‘OK’ to relocate terrorists’ families within West Bank

Israel’s Attorney General suggests relocating terrorists’ families within Judea & Samaria, arguing that expulsions to Syria or Gaza, proposed by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, violate int’l law and may expose Israel to charges at the ICC.

By Tova Tzimuki & Itamar Eichner


After expressing his stance that the expulsion of the families of terrorists to Gaza or to Syria contravenes international law and would expose Israel to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Attorney General Avcihai Mandelblit has decided to allow the government to expel families within the West Bank.

Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – Photo: Marc Israel Sellem

Mandelblit is expected to inform Prime Minister Netanyahu that the expulsion of families from one city to another within the West Bank will be allowed, but only in cases where it can be shown that the family knew in advance of their relative’s intentions. Continue Reading »