Tag Archive for outposts

IDF & Police Clash with Settlers Over Demolition of Jewish Outpost

Large numbers of Border Police & IDF troops descended on the community of Yitzhar during the wee hours of Thursday morning to destroy several illegal buildings.

By David Lev


Large numbers of IDF troops and border police descended on the community of Yitzhar overnight Wednesday and destroyed several buildings in a new section of the town, called Haseruga. The government contends that the section is an illegal outpost. The section was established about six months ago, after several attempts to build a community there were thwarted.

Yitzhar, Wednesday night

Yitzhar, Wednesday night
Yitzhar spokesperson

A spokesperson for Yitzhar said that police acted in a brutal and vicious manner, tying up the security guard of the town and confiscating his cellphone – so he could not alert residents to the raid, which took place at 3:30 AM. Continue Reading »