Tag Archive for Prayer Books

Synagogues across the US are overwhelmed in old prayer books

In accordance to Jewish tradition, prayer books are holy & cannot just be thrown out; they must be placed in a geniza, a repository for holy books awaiting burial.

By Chavie Lieber


NEW YORK (JTA) — After years of watching synagogue members die or move away, the Sephardic Jewish Center of Canarsie made the difficult decision to downsize.

15th century Jewish prayer book – Christie’s

The 50-year-old Brooklyn synagogue had been a thriving center for the area’s Sephardim. But after accepting that it could no longer pull together enough money to cover expenses, let alone muster the 10 men necessary for daily prayer, the synagogue disposed of most of its belongings and began holding Shabbat services in a nearby Ashkenazi congregation. Continue Reading »