Tag Archive for strike

Israel Port Workers Strike Prove Necessity to Open Alternative Private Ports

Workers in both Ashdod and Haifa ports said they will continue their strike on Thursday despite the court’s order to return to work.

By Moshe Cohen


Port workers intend to continue with their wildcat strike, as Israel’s main ports in Haifa and Ashdod remained closed on Thursday. The workers said they would remain off the job even if a court ordered them back to work.

Haifa port – Photo: Albatross Aerial Photography

A Labor Court judge held a hearing late Wednesday at the behest of port management, and found that the workers had no basis for a work action, ordering all of them back to work at 4:30 a.m.  Continue Reading »

Striking Israeli diplomats may be discipline by Finance Ministry


The Finance Ministry’s director of wages dept. said he would take harsh actions against all Foreign Ministry workers who locked gov’t ministry buildings or advanced pay to strikers.


The Finance Ministry is threatening to file disciplinary charges against striking Foreign Ministry employees and diplomats worldwide.

Foreign Ministry, closed on strike

Foreign ministry, closed on strike, March 24, 2014. – Photo: Olivier Fitoussi

In a letter sent to the Foreign Ministry union Monday, Kobi Amsalem, director of the treasury’s wages department, threatened disciplinary action against any worker involved in locking the gates of the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem or embassies and consulates overseas or paying salary advances to the striking diplomats.

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UNRWA refugee workers end West Bank strike against UN


Palestinians who protested against low wages and poor conditions at UN’s Palestinian refugee agency ended it’s two-month strike after deal was reached with workers of UNRWA.



Workers at the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency in the West Bank have ended a two-month strike over low wages and poor conditions that paralyzed services in camps and shut down schools.

Palestinians protested against cuts in UN services amid a strike by UNRWA workers - Photo: Reuters

Palestinians protested against cuts in UN services amid a strike by UNRWA workers. PA Police standing by – Photo: Reuters

The United Nations has already said the cash-strapped agency was struggling to pay thousands of workers, while the IMF has warned of the danger of rising unemployment in the Palestinian territories if there is no progress in US-backed peace talks. Continue Reading »

Foreign Ministry strikes against Defense Ministry – Where’s Bibi?

Sanctions of the Foreign Ministry strike include a refusal to issue diplomatic passports to ministers, cessation of cable communications between Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem & delegations around the world and a halt to arrangements for ministerial visits abroad.



Defense Ministry Director General Udi Shani sent an urgent letter Wednesday to Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in which he requested that he intercede to end the strike within the Foreign Ministry as soon as possible, in order to save Israel from possible harm to its security and diplomatic ties.

Foreign Ministry union members

Foreign Ministry union members. – Photo: Emil Salman

A senior Israeli official, who read the letter, stated that Shani wrote to Netanyahu that the diplomats’ strike, as well as the decision of the Foreign Ministry union to halt all cooperation with the Israeli Defense Forces has severely hindered the process of changing military and defense ministry attaches in at least ten countries around the world. Continue Reading »