Tag Archive for Suez Crisis

Dore Gold’s Lessons from the Eisenhower debate

According to former President Nixon, Eisenhower said that the Suez Crisis was the biggest foreign-policy “blunder” of his administration. There is substantial evidence that Eisenhower came to renounce his own Suez policy.


By Dore Gold

Israel should stay clear of the internal American debate over the candidacy of former Senator Chuck Hagel to be the next defense secretary. The identity of the defense secretary can have profound implications for Israel, but this is an internal American decision. At the same time, it is impossible to ignore one aspect of this issue which touches on the history of U.S.-Israel relations. Recently, David Ignatius, one of the leading columnists of The Washington Post tried to compare Hagel’s worldview to that of President Dwight Eisenhower, who had to contend with the joint operation of Britain, France, and Israel against Nasser’s Egypt.

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