Tag Archive for US Consulate

Israel Working to Block Biden From Opening Palestinian Consulate in Jerusalem

Because many countries still refuse to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over all of Jerusalem, submitted legislation would prohibit all nations from unilaterally opening any diplomatic mission in Israel’s capital without official government consent.

By Israel Today Staff


Likud lawmaker and former Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat has introduced legislation that would ban any foreign country from opening a diplomatic mission anywhere in the Israeli capital without Israel’s consent.

That would seem like something of an obvious position. No other nation would let foreign countries open embassies and consulates in its capital without permission. But most of the world still doesn’t recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the entirety of Jerusalem. Continue Reading »

US consulate in Jerusalem arms Palestinian guards in breach of Israeli law

Ignoring Israeli law, the U.S. consulate’s chief security officer is arming 35 Palestinian security guards, prompting the Israeli guards, who resigned in protest.

By Itamar Eichner


A scandal has erupted in the American Consulate in Jerusalem, as three Israeli security guards have quit following a plan to hire 35 armed Palestinian guards from East Jerusalem. The Palestinians have been undergoing weapons training in Jericho in recent days.

The American Consulate in west Jerusalem

The decision to hire and arm the Palestinian security personnel was made by the consulate’s chief security officer, Dan Cronin. The plan is to employ them mostly as escorts to American diplomats’ convoys in the West Bank.

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Report: Unannounced Armed US Consulate Staff Pointed Weapons at Adei Ad Residents

Blunder or planned provocation? Contrary to American statement, Israel security personnel says ‘no question’, US Consulate staff pointed their weapons at Adei Ad residents during Friday’s ‘confrontation’.

By Ari Soffer


The full details of Friday’s clash between residents of the Jewish village of Adei Ad in Samaria and a delegation from the US Consulate in Jerusalem – which very nearly escalated into a fully-fledged shootout between the sides – are still emerging.

But those details which have emerged so far paint a worrying picture regarding the conduct of Consulate staff – who either willingly took part in a planned provocation, or else, in a staggering show of irresponsibility and unprofessionalism, recklessly blundered into a volatile and potentially deadly situation without the slightest idea of what they were doing.

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