Trump: Incessant Palestinian terror & incitement are preventing Palestinian state, “…the Palestinian Authority has to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state. …[and they] have to stop the terror, stop the attacks, stop the teaching of hatred.”
By Israel Today Staff
US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the weekend made it abundantly clear that he sees the Palestinian leadership as being at fault for the lack of Middle East peace agreement.
Trump told The New York Times that while he supports a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is the Palestinians themselves that have prevented such an outcome.
“…the Palestinian Authority has to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state. …[and they] have to stop the terror, stop the attacks, stop the teaching of hatred,” the billionaire insisted, stressing that in order to reach a two-state peace deal “you have to get those basic things done.”
Trump was particularly disturbed by the ongoing incitement in Palestinian society.
“They have to stop the teaching of children to aspire to grow up as terrorists, which is a real problem,” he said.
Of course, the recognition of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state is also a major sticking point, with the current Palestinian leadership repeatedly refusing to meet that basic condition.
Trump noted that these shouldn’t be difficult conditions to accept, “except that the ingrained hatred is tremendous.”
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