The video clip, ’10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Jew’ illustrates how comedian Scott Rogowsky was constantly being urged to daven, to ‘do a mitzvah’ and even to sniff an etrog!
Like many viral videos before it, the clip “10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman” has spawned numerous parodies, including “10 Hours of Walking in Bangalore as a Techie,” “10 Hours of Walking in Berlin as a Man,” “10 Hours of Walking in World of Warcraft” – and now “”10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Jew.”
A still from “10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Jew.” – Photo -YouTube Screenshot
Created by Scott Rogowsky, who hosts the live comedy show “Running Late,” the clip shows Rogowsky walking the streets of New York being harassed by Orthodox Jews.
They repeatedly ask him “Are you Jewish?” and then say things like, “Hey Hymie, do a mitzvah!,” “Sniff my etrog,” and “I got a foreskin with your name on it!
The clip has been viewed almost 25,000 times and has garnered responses calling it everything from hilarious to anti-Semitic trash.
View original HAARETZ publication at: