‘Anonymous’ cyber-terrorists warn Israel of impending cyber-attack

Cyber-group of anti-Israel hackers calls on its int’l band of “cyber warriors” to attack all major Israeli institutions & websites on Monday.


A group of anti-Israel hackers calling themselves ‘Anonymous Operation Israel’ called on “cyber warriors from across the planet” to attack Israel online on April 7th.

We are Anonymous

We are Anonymous – YouTube screenshot

“On April 7, 2014, we call upon our brothers and sisters to hack, deface, hijack, database leak, admin takeover, and DNS terminate the Israeli Cyberspace by any means necessary,” the group said in a YouTube video posted on April 2.

It is not the group’s first foray into cyber-warfare against the Jewish State. On the same date last year, the group attempted to disrupt Israeli websites, including that of Yad Vashem, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Israeli Defense Forces website, with limited success.

“As of midday, Israeli government websites are accessible to the public, as they were for the entire weekend,” the Finance Ministry reported at the time.

The official site of the Ministry of Education appeared to have been affected but the statement issued by the Treasury said the Education Ministry’s website had not been accessible during the weekend due a “technical fault,” and it was up and running that same afternoon.


Yaakov Lappin contributed to this report.

View original Jerusalem Post publication at: http://www.jpost.com/Defense/Anonymous-hackers-threaten-Israel-with-cyber-terrorism-347667