Hamas leader says at an event in Qatar, a Palestinian suicide terror campaign against Israel is just around the corner.
Hamas head Khaled Mashaal said on Saturday that there is no solution to the Palestinian problem, except through renewal of the spirit of jihad and self-sacrifice for Allah. He stressed that this would happen “soon.”

Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal – Reuters
Mashaal spoke at an event in Qatar, dedicated to the memory of Palestinians who were killed in terror attacks against Israel, whose remains were recently transferred by Israel to the Palestinian Authority (PA).
Mashaal noted that the residents of Gaza, the “West Bank,” the “1948 areas,” Jerusalem and the diaspora are one nation with a single common strategy, which is jihad and struggle. Hamas and the rest of the organizations are preparing to renew the jihad, he said, because the Palestinian people has not gotten tired and has not abandoned the path of jihad and struggle in the liberation of all of “Palestine,” from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea.
Mashaal emphasized the importance of instilling the value of dying for Allah, in children from infancy. From the first moment after a son is born, he said, the Palestinian fathers say “This son of mine is a sacrifice for Palestine,” and they wish for him to become a shaeed, and that Allah will bless him with a martyr’s death.
Mashaal added that when a Palestinian joins the Al-Kassam Brigades “we are very happy”; when he carriesut a [terror] attack “we are overjoyed” and when e is killed “we praise Allah.”
“Jihad in the path of Allah is the pinnacle of our aspirations,” he said, “and its our life.”
View original Arutz Sheva publication at: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/178559#.UyYHC4VIVgh