Palestinian Militants Threaten People Not to Back Trump Plan on Pain of Death

WATCH: A new music video posted on the official Facebook page of Palestinian autocrat Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party warns the Palestinians of what will happen to them if they support Trump’s “Peace to Prosperity” plan.

By Ryan Jones


The Trump Administration has lamented that there are almost no voices of support for the “Peace to Prosperity” plan among the Palestinians. 

Sure, the proposal leans toward Israeli security concerns and requires Palestinian compliance before any rewards are to be had. But it does contain quite a lot of reward for the Palestinians, including what are, quite frankly, unearned economic incentives.

Screen Shot of PMW translation

But evidence suggests that it’s not so much the content of the plan that has precluded any support among the Palestinians. 

It’s the threat of death.

It is common knowledge that Palestinian Arabs routinely face ostracization, violence and even summary execution for the crime of “normalizing” with Jews, in particular by selling property to them.

In a post on the official Facebook page of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party, something similar was promised to any who accept the “deal of the century.”

In the post, Fatah presented a new music video in which Palestinians are informed that “experienced men, who undergo training alongside death” will “trample…everyone who has signed it and everyone who adheres to it.”

[Translations via Palestinian Media Watch]


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