Tag Archive for bomb shelters

Between Lebanon & Syria, Jerusalem decides to renovate Galilee bomb-shelters


As IDF determined the main area under threat of enemy missiles are the communities located up to 25 miles from Israel’s border with Lebanon, public bomb-shelters are to be renovated in 21 municipalities and local authorities, at a sum expected in the tens of millions of shekels.

BY Lilach Shoval


The defense establishment plans to renovate hundreds of public shelters in northern Israel, especially in communities located up to 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the Israeli-Lebanese border.

Hezbollah rockets exploding in Israel’s Upper Galilee – Photo: IsraelandStuff/PP

The plan, set to begin this summer and conclude by the summer of 2018, will cost tens of millions of shekels and include 21 municipalities and local authorities, a defense official familiar with the issue said Saturday. Continue Reading »

IDF to Have Gaza Belt Residents in Bombshelters Longer in Next War With Gaza

IDF is shortening the warning times for incoming Gaza rockets, saying the 15 seconds given was not enough time to find safety: Gaza Belt residents will be instructed to live in, or next to, protective shelters during future conflicts with Gaza.

By Tova Dvorin


Guidelines during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza gave a 15-second window to Gaza Belt residents to run to shelters in the event of a “Code Red” alarm – a short time to find safety.

Israelis find shelter from Gaza’s deadly rockets in a ‘converted’ sewage pipe – Reuters

But even 15 seconds is insufficient, a senior Home Front Command official revealed Wednesday – and during the next war, Gaza Belt residents may be instructed to live out of their shelters for the duration of the conflict.

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Majority of Israelis have nowhere to go when rocket warning-sirens sounds

Even though Israel legislated the building of reinforced security rooms over 2 decades ago, much of the country still has no place to go in time of war.


“In any future war, three branches will be activated immediately: the Israel Air Force, Military Intelligence and the Home Front Command. The main problem will be the Home Front Command, since its soldiers are civilians. This requires special preparedness.”

neighborhood bomb-shelter entrance - Photo: IsraelandStuff/PP

Neighborhood bomb-shelter entrance – Photo: IsraelandStuff/PP

This is how Maj. Gen. (ret.) Matan Vilnai, a former deputy defense minister and the first minister of home front defense sees the next war. Continue Reading »

Residents not Worried that Jerusalem Lacks Bomb Shelters

Survey shows older neighborhoods of Jerusalem haven’t enough bomb shelters, but the residents are nonchalant.


Jerusalem does not have enough public bomb shelters in older neighborhoods, but that doesn’t really bother residents of those neighborhoods, The Jerusalem Post found on Tuesday during an informal survey judging the city’s readiness for emergency situations.

[illustrative photo

Israelis sit in a bomb shelter – Photo: Amir Cohen / Reuters

According to a municipality spokeswoman, there are approximately 200 public bomb shelters concentrated in the city center and south of the city. Newer neighborhoods, including Ramot, Gilo, Pisgat Zeev, and Ramat Eshkol, are better prepared because later zoning laws required contractors to build bomb shelters within new buildings.

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