Tag Archive for Israel Health

Israeli scientists’ top 10 ways for battling breast cancer


ISRAEL21c has put together a list of the top 10 latest Israeli advances in breast cancer, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month


One out of every eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. It is the most commonly diagnosed non-skin cancer in women worldwide, and also strikes thousands of men.

One in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Israeli scientists hope to improve the odds. Photo by www.shutterstock.com

One in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Israeli scientists hope to improve the odds. Photo: shutterstock.com

Though the three areas with the highest breast cancer rates are Western Europe, Australia/New Zealand and Northern Europe, Israel has taken a leading role in researching causes and treatments. Continue Reading »

Israel and UK unite in regenerative medicine projects

Gov’ts will jointly fund 5 major research projects, & British Ambassador calls program “one of the most ambitious ever”


The British and Israeli governments will jointly fund five major research projects in regenerative medicine – the process of replacing or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function in diseased ones.

Medical researcher  - Photo: REUTERS

Medical researcher – Photo: REUTERS

The technique encourages the body’s own repair systems to heal tissues or organs that previously could not be fixed. Regenerative medicine also focuses on creating new tissues and organs in the lab and implanting them in the body.British
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Israeli doctors remove implant in rare procedure, after patient’s heart restarts

Patient’s heart makes miraculous recovery from rare heart disease, allowing doctors to completely remove device that had been keeping him alive for two years.

For the first time in Israel, doctors at the Carmel Hospital in Haifa conducted a rare procedure to remove an artificial heart from a patient. The operation was conducted after Haim Abuhazira’s heart began beating, two years after failing due to disease.

Abuhazira (31), a resident of Netanya, who has been recovering for the surgery that took place two weeks ago, was rushed to the hospital in 2010 after complaining of chest pain. He was operated on and put on a waiting list for a heart transplant.

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