Tag Archive for Juan Manuel Santos

Watch Videos: Netanyahu meets Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto

Watch warm speeches by PM Netanyahu when he met Colombian President Santos and later with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, while on his Latin tour.

By Elad Benar


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met on Thursday in Mexico City with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

The two discussed upgrading the bilateral free trade agreement and expanding trade. Agreements were signed regarding aviation, an MOU on MASHAV and a space agreement.

Netanyahu said during the meeting, “Thank you, my friend, President Pena Nieto for your personal friendship, for the friendship of Mexico. This is a milestone. As incredible as it sounds, what you just said always astounds me: that this is the first visit since the founding of the State of Israel of an Israeli prime minister in Latin America. Continue Reading »

Abbas declares to Colombian President: Palestinians want peace

Abbas tells President Juan Manuel Santos of Columbia, Palestinians committed to peace process based on pre-1967 lines.




Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday reiterated the Palestinians’ commitment to the peace process with Israel on the basis of the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the pre-1967 lines, with Jerusalem as its capital.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas shakes hands with his Colombian counterpart Juan Manuel Santos. Photo Reuters

PA President Mahmoud Abbas shakes hands with his Colombian counterpart Juan Manuel Santos.

Abbas’s statement came during a meeting in Ramallah with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos.

The PA’s official news agency Wafa reported that Abbas briefed his guest on the latest developments surrounding the peace process and international efforts to resume talks between the Palestinians and Israel.

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Peres vows to Colombian President Israel’s Help to Boost Their Economy

President Shimon Peres promises that Jerusalem will help develop Colombia’s economy, as he welcomed Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos to Israel.

By Rina Tzvi


President Shimon Peres on Monday said that Israel would help develop Colombia’s economy, as he welcomed his Colombian counterpart Juan Manuel Santos who is on an official visit to the region.

President Shimon Peres and Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos - Photo: Mark Neiamn/GPO

President Shimon Peres and Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos – Photo: Mark Neiamn/GPO

The two leaders also took part in the signing of a raft of agreements between the two countries.

“I welcome you here as an important and influential leader of Latin America,” Peres told Santos at a reception in his Jerusalem residence. Continue Reading »