Tag Archive for Moscow

Putin & Peres Inaugurate Unique Jewish Museum in Moscow


Russian President Vladimir Putin, along with Israel’s President Shimon Peres opened a very unique Jewish Tolerance Museum in Moscow

By David Lev


In a gala event Thursday, President Shimon Peres, along with Russian President Vladimir Putin, opened the unique Jewish Tolerance Museum in Moscow, which will use displays, interactive activities, and the latest technologies to tell the story of the Jewish people throughout the ages.

Moscow Tolerance Museum – Arutz Sheva

The 8,500 square foot institution cost millions of dollars to build and develop, and is the first to tell the “inside story” of the Jewish experience. While Israel’s Diaspora Museum has many exhibits preserving the memory of Jewish communities around the world, the Tolerance Museum takes a more “personal” approach, telling the story of Jewish faith throughout the ages, the Creation of the world, the giving of the Torah, the Holy Temples, and Jewish suffering in the Exile. Continue Reading »