Tag Archive for Nigeria

After a year in hiding, Biafra statehood leader pops up in Jerusalem

Noting he received help from Israel’s Mossad, the wanted Nigerian separatist leader Nnamdi Kanu said, “I owe my survival to the State of Israel.”



JERUSALEM — Nigerian separatist leader Nnamdi Kanu announced that he is in Israel a year after he disappeared from his home in southeast Nigeria.

Kanu has been campaigning for an independent state called Biafra in south-eastern Nigeria.

A video live-streamed on Friday on social media showed him praying at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, wearing a kipa and tallit.

Kanu claims the Igbo people, who are the majority in southeast Nigeria, are a lost tribe of Israel and that he will lead them to the promised land of Biafra. Continue Reading »

Jerusalem sends experts to help find Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped by Islamists


Israel’s team including experienced hostage negotiators, will join a growing int’l effort to track down the missing 200 kidnapped children.



Israel has sent intelligence experts to Nigeria to help search for more than 200 schoolgirls abducted last month by Islamist rebel group Boko Haram, an Israeli official said on Tuesday.

Boko Haram

Nigerian soldiers sent to fight Boko Haram Islamists, May 22, 2013 – Photo: REUTERS

The team, which the official said included people experienced in dealing with hostage situations, will join a growing international effort to track down the children.

“These are not operational troops, they’re there to advise,” the Israeli official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Continue Reading »

Netanyahu commits Israel To Aid Nigeria With Hostages

Prime Minister Netanyahu promises the Nigerian president that Israel is willing to help with the return of 300 schoolgirls kidnapped by Al Qaeda linked Boko Haram terror group.

By Ari Yashar


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu offered on Sunday to help Nigeria in trying to recover roughly 300 Christian schoolgirls, who were kidnapped by the Al Qaeda-linked terrorist group Boko Haram.

“Israel expresses its deep shock at the crime against the girls,” Netanyahu reportedly said by phone to Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, while on an official visit to Japan.

“We are prepared to help in locating the girls and to fight the cruel terror which has struck you,” pledged Netanyahu. Continue Reading »

Busted: Hezbollah cell nabbed and weapon cache confiscated in Nigeria

Nigerian state security forces have discovered & arrested a Hezbollah terror cell and recovered their store of weapon and explosives.

By Now News staff


Nigeria’s security services said Thursday they had discovered a home in the northern city of Kano where Lebanese nationals had stored weapons intended to attack Israeli and Western targets in Nigeria.

The military said the weapons carefully stored in sawdust - Photo AFP

The military said the weapons carefully stored in sawdust – Photo: AFP

The Kano state intelligence chief, Bassey Etang, and a separate military statement described the compound as hosting a “terrorist cell” tied to the powerful Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah.

No evidence was provided linking the home to the Lebanese group.

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Nigeria Nabs Iran-Backed Terror Call Targeting Americans, Israelis & Jews

The Iranian sponsors requested that the terrorists identify & gather intel on  prominent hotels frequented by Americans & Israelis, and to provide specific details on the following targets: Zim Shipping Company & the Jewish Cultural Centre (Chabad) in Lagos.

By David Lev


Nigerian investigators have uncovered a plot by terrorists to attack Israeli and American tourists and businesspeople visiting the country. The group was also responsible for murdering a former top military official. Among their targets was a Chabad House, officials said.

NigeriaThe gang of three terrorists were arrested Wednesday night, among them the leader of the group. A fourth suspect is being sought. Continue Reading »

Nigeria’s black Jews are re-discovered

New Yorker’s documentary takes in-depth look at the Igbo tribe in Nigeria & their path at rediscovering their Jewish heritage

By Tali Farkash



A new documentary by New Yorker Jeff Lieberman called Re-Emerging: The Jews of Nigeria is taking an in depth look into one of the most unique ‘Jewish’ communities in the world: The Igbos of Nigeria.

Lieberman’s film is a rare testimonial to the daily life of a group that for years has been living off the official Jewish radar and in a political atmosphere of massacres between Christians and Muslims with the constant threat of destruction over their heads. Continue Reading »