Tag Archive for Versailles Court of Appeal

Court of Appeal of Versailles: Verdict – Israel is legal occupant of the West Bank


The historical verdict carefully ignored (forgotten?) by mainstream media, France’s 3rd Chamber of the Court of Appeal of Versailles decreed that Israel is the legal occupant of the West Bank.


Israel is the legal occupant of the West Bank, says the Court of Appeal of Versailles, France.  By JEAN-PATRICK GRUMBERG


When I first learned that the Court of Appeal of Versailles ruled that West bank settlements and occupation of Judea Samaria by Israel is unequivocally legal under international law, in a suit brought by the Palestinian Authority against Jerusalem’s light rail built by French companies Alstom and Veolia, that received no media coverage, I decided to put to work my years of Law Studies in France, and I meticulously analyzed the Court ruling. Continue Reading »

2nd French Court Ruling Affirms Legality of Israeli Rule Over Territories


After a 6 year battle the Versailles Court of Appeal ruled that contrary to Palestinian claims of occupation, the territories claimed by Israel are in fact legal.

Posted by: Jean-Patrick Grumberg


Virtually all international media has ignored recent news from France, where a court issued a ruling related, among other things, to the legality of Israel’s occupation. As noted in a March 13, 2013 article published by the French media outlet Dreuz, the Versailles Court of Appeal ruled that the Israeli occupation of the territories claimed by the Palestinians is in fact legal.

Taken from a Dreuz publication via Google translation:

The Jerusalem Light Rail – Photo IsraelandStuffPP

The Jerusalem ‘Light Rail’ – Photo: IsraelandStuff/PP

[The contractor] Veolia and Alstom built, following a call for tenders, the Jerusalem tramway through the city to the east, into the territories claimed by the PLO and the Palestinian Authority. Continue Reading »