Ya’alon: EU’s threat to boycott (no peace) preferable to rockets on Ben-Gurion Airport

Defense Minister Ya’alon correctly states that “wide-eyed & naïve people in the West” err in pressuring Israel that “peace must happen immediately”, leaving Israel without security guarantees, considering the history & present acts of violence of the Palestinians.



Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon on Monday said that if compromises in peace negotiations would lead to “rockets from Nablus, Ramallah and Jenin on to Ben-Gurion Airport, then I would rather have a European boycott” on Israel.

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon- Photo: Ariel Hermoni, Defense Ministry spokesman

Ya’alon also addressed Sunday’s rocket attack from Lebanon. Despite Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s assigning responsibility to Lebanon and Hezbollah, the defense minister implied that preliminary information indicated that the attack was perpetrated by Sunnis fighting Hezbollah in Syria who hoped to fool Israel into retaliating against Hezbollah.

Elaborating on his comments about rockets and boycotts, he said that wide-eyed and naïve people in the West and even some Israelis constantly press the state that “peace must happen immediately” though he listed many life problems which take time to resolve and must be managed patiently.

Assailing the West as “paternalistic,” Ya’alon said that instead of them explaining to him, with all of his experience on the ground, how he misunderstands the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we need “to explain to Europe why they’re wrong.”

He also complained that some in the West were what he considered obsessed with solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as the solution to all problems in the Middle East when really he said that it is currently clear that “problems in Tunisia and Egypt have nothing to do with us.”

Regarding the Palestinians he said, “we don’t want to rule over them,” but said the focus should be helping them improve the Palestinians “economy, government, institutions, courts, and most importantly education.”

Yaalon added that he viewed he rise in “attacks by individuals” as resulting from “incitement by Palestinian leaders, their media and their education.”


View original Jerusalem Post publication at: http://www.jpost.com/Defense/Yaalon-EU-boycott-preferable-over-rockets-on-Ben-Gurion-Airport-336553