2,600 patients, Israel’s emergency medical team returns home from the Philippines and will be replaced by an EU delegation.
The Israel Defense Forces emergency medical team left the Philippines 11 days after arriving there to aid typhoon victims.

The Israeli mission in the Philippines delivers a baby, Nov. 15, 2013.- Photo Twitted by IDF spokesman Peter Lerner
The 148-person medical team vacated the IDF’s emergency field hospital in Bogo City on Monday after treating more than 2,600 patients, including 800 children. The team also conducted 52 surgeries and delivered 36 babies.
A European Union delegation replaced the IDF team, which left behind a range of medical supplies, including an X-ray machine and equipment for the delivery of newborns.
Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines on Nov. 8, leaving at least 5,000 dead.
“It was moving to see all of those people, what happened to them after the storm,” said Lt.- Col. (res.) Hadar Marom, who ran the field hospital’s adult clinic, during a conference call with the media from Bogo City. “All of them lost their roofs and some lost their houses.”
View original JTA publication at: http://www.jta.org/2013/11/25/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/idf-medical-team-leaves-philippines