Israel’s Police Commissioner candidate, Brig. Gen. Gal Hirsch wrote on his Facebook account after being hospitalized himself by ‘rock-throwers’, that Arabs that throw rocks are terrorists and should be treated as such.
By Arutz Sheva staff
The incoming police commissioner, Brig. Gen. (res.) Gal Hirsch, appears to have a well-formed opinion regarding Arab rock attacks and the proper way to deal with them.
Hirsch added photos showing his car after it had been crushed by a boulder that was dropped on it, and Hirsch himself receiving initial medical treatment.
“Col. Israel Shomer fought under my command,” he added. “He is a calm and collected, responsible and experienced officer. This morning, we spoke, and I expressed my support for him. He operated correctly. The words ‘rioters’ and ‘rock throwers’ are words that launder the correct definition – terrorists! And one should shoot terrorists!”
Hirsch was injured in his shoulder and arm in the boulder attack, which took place 18 years ago, when he was Operations Department Officer for the Judea and Samaria brigade. He underwent a year of rehabilitation and was later appointed to command the Binyamin Regiment, and was among the planners of Operation Defensive Shield. Later on in his service, he became commander of the Galilee Division. When the IDF was found to have functioned poorly in the Second Lebanon War, he came under criticism for allegedly unclear and “post-modern” instructions he had given the Division’s commanders.
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