Tag Archive for Arab attacks

ANALYSIS: Israel’s Covert Role in Leading the Global War on Terror

ISIS is planning a comeback, but Israel is using the Mossad while utilizing its cyber intelligence capabilities to thwart the madness of vicious jihadist groups, as it did in about 50 planned but unsuccessful terrorist attacks in dozens of countries around the world.

By Yochanan Visser


The Israeli spy agency Mossad and the IDF’s Military Intelligence have thwarted some 50  terror attacks worldwide over the course of three years Israeli broadcaster Mako reported at the beginning of last week.

The foiled terror attacks were the work of Iran and the Islamic State Jihadist group according to Mako.

IDF’s Military Intelligence Cyber unit, ‘watching the world’.

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Arab terrorists from Egypt open fire on IDF patrol

Terrorists open small-arm’s fire from the Sinai Peninsula on IDF soldiers along Israel’s border fence. IDF reports no soldiers were injured, but a military vehicle did sustain damage.

By Elad Benar


Arabs opened fire on Sunday evening from the Sinai Peninsula towards an IDF force that was engaged in operational activity near the security fence along the Egyptian border.

IDF soldier watching the border – Photo: IsraelandStuff/PP

There were no injuries among the soldiers, but a military vehicle sustained light damage.

The IDF said that the incident is believed to be a spillover of gunfire from Egypt.

Two weeks ago, two rockets were fired from the Sinai area into southern Israel. Continue Reading »

Israel security kills 5 Palestinian terrorists, 1 critically wounded in 4 brutal attacks on Sunday


No Israelis injured as country’s security forces thwart spate of barbaric Palestinian attacks on Sunday.

By Efrat Forsher, Lilach Shoval, Israel Hayom Staff & Associated Press


Four separate Palestinian terrorist attacks were thwarted on Sunday in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem. No Israelis were injured in the attempted attacks, while five Palestinian attackers were killed and another was critically wounded.

Police officers at the scene of Sunday night’s terrorist attack in Jerusalem – Photo: AFP

Late Sunday night, two Palestinian terrorists were shot dead after they opened fire with automatic weapons at Israeli security personnel near Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate. Continue Reading »

New Police Commissioner Wrote on Facebook: ‘Terrorists Should Be Shot!’


Israel’s Police Commissioner candidate, Brig. Gen. Gal Hirsch wrote on his Facebook account after being hospitalized himself by ‘rock-throwers’, that Arabs that throw rocks are terrorists and should be treated as such.

By Arutz Sheva staff


The incoming police commissioner, Brig. Gen. (res.) Gal Hirsch, appears to have a well-formed opinion regarding Arab rock attacks and the proper way to deal with them.

Gal Hirsch's car after it had been crushed by a boulder that was dropped on it - Facebook

Gal Hirsch’s car after it had been crushed by a boulder that was dropped on it – Facebook

Two months ago, when Binyamin Regiment Commander Israel Shomer aimed lethal fire at an Arab who had thrown rocks at his vehicle, Hirsch wrote: “Following the incident this morning with the Binyamin Regiment Commander – I am including several photographs as a reminder – rocks and boulders are weapons like any other weapon, and they kill.
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Two Injured After Terrorist Throws Molotov Cocktail At Jews Driving in Jerusalem 

Revenge attack in Beit Hanina supposedly by Palestinian Arabs, leaves woman with burns on 15% of her body, and the 2nd victim was lightly injured.

By Ido Ben-Porat


A 27 year-old woman was injured Monday night after a terrorist threw a Molotov cocktail at her car in Jerusalem.

The incident occurred near the Arab neighborhood of Beit Hanina, near the Ben-Zion interchange, Magen David Adom (MDA) stated.

MDA medics gave her medical treatment and took her to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital with first and second-degreee burns on 15% of her body. She is reportedly  conscious and stable.
Her husband was rescued from the vehicle and was not injured. Continue Reading »

Arab Palestinian Throws Acid at Jewish Family with 3 Young Children Outside Jerusalem

Palestinian acid attack injures 6 in Gush Etzion, including 3 young children, south of Jerusalem, leaving Arab terrorist shot & seriously wounded.

By Yoni Kempinski & Tova Dvorin


A terrorist attacked a Jewish family with acid in the Gush Etzion region south of Jerusalem Friday, wounding six people including a number of young children.

Israeli MDA medics evacuate an injured girl after acid attack

Israeli MDA medics evacuate an injured girl after acid attack – Twitter

According to Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics, the mother of the family and three young girls between the ages of 8 and 10 were injured in the lower extremities in the attack. Their injuries are described as light. Continue Reading »

Thinking they were Jewish, Arabs attack Palestinian family

Three Arab thugs tried pulling the couple out of the car as they beat them. Luckily, the wife was able to speed away when the attackers paused, hearing Arabic spoken by the couple.

By: Sarah Weiss



A group of Arab thugs attacked a Palestinian family in Jerusalem after they thought they are Jews, the family said in a statement.

Rashuan and Dina Salman - Photo source: .yourjewishnews.com

Rashuan and Dina Salman – Photo source: Your Jewish News

The Muslim family of East Jerusalem, came under attack by three men in the Sur Baher area. However, after the group learned that the family was Palestinian, they fled from the scene.

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Passengers Threatened by Arab on board British Airways Flight to Israel

Plane landed at secured area at Ben Gurion Airport where security men exited with handcuffed man, who was unarmed.

By Gil Ronen


An Arab man, aged 21, behaved wildly and threatened to harm passengers on a British Airways flight from London to Tel Aviv Saturday, reported Israel Hayom.

The plane was about 30 miles away from Ben Gurion Airport when its pilots radioed in the report about the incident. At about 6:00 a.m., the plane landed and was diverted to a separate parking spot, far from the terminal.

A team of security guards boarded the plane, subdued the passenger and made sure he was not carrying any weapons. Continue Reading »

Arab Attacks on Mount of Olives are declining

Thousands of mourners expected to visit Mount of Olives cemetery in the week before Yom Kippur.

Activists also report a drop in grave desecrations by Arab extremists.

By Gil Ronen


Thousands of people are expected to come to the ancient cemetery at the Mount of Olives in the days before Yom Kippur, to visit the graves of their loved ones and graves of “tzaddikim,” or wise and righteous people.

Desecration of Jewish graves, Mount of Olives – Israel news photo: Rafi Fischer

This year they can do so with less trepidation, activists say, because the security situation there has improved markedly in recent months. Continue Reading »

Arab Ambush of Children’s Bus in Jerusalem

First person report: A bus full of children ages 3 to 13 is pelted by rocks and cinder blocks by Arab teens in the Abu Tur neighborhood.

A bus filled with children ages 3 to 13 was suddenly pelted with rocks and concrete cinder blocks hurled by Arab teens in Jerusalem’s mixed Jewish-Arab neighborhood of Abu Tur.

Rivka and Eilat, two eighth-grade students living in the area who were on the bus at the time, told Arutz Sheva about the experience.

The incident started when the bus reached Naomi Street. Large rocks began flying at the bus, cracking the windows and breaking the front door completely. Continue Reading »