Search results for Aylin Kocaman

Turkish TV host writes: Turkey & Israel

Aylin Kocaman explains how it is essential for Turkey and Israel to act together if the problems in the Middle East are to be eliminated.


The view of one country’s government may not always agree with that of another, but such problems at government level among friendly countries are generally artificial and temporary. And they never reflect the general thinking and attitudes of the public.Turkey and Israel are two friendly countries. Two countries in the most important part of the world. And in the most inflammable and dangerous part of the world. But they also have other things in common.
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Female Turkish Blogger writes: The truth of the matter

Aylin Kocaman explains that according to the Koran, it is the right of the Jews to live in the Land of Israel.

Most people around the world know very little about the real Islam and the real Muslims.

What is presented to them under the name of Islam is a religion of war full of fear, hatred, rage and blood. It is a religion of fear formed by those who are in favor of war, societies of fear and suicide bombers. The alarming part is that some Muslims also think that this is the case. They are unaware that attacks, murders, suicides, instilling rage and fear instead of love in people’s minds is unlawful, for they are totally unaware of the content of the Koran.

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Pakistani Muslim tells why he joined the Zionist Movement


Pakistani writer Noor Dahri pens an Op-Ed on why as a Pakistani Muslim he decided to join the Zionist Federation of UK, and why other Muslims should follow his example.


– Why I Joined the Zionist Movement

By Noor Dahri


It was 30th of March, 2016, when I was invited by the Zionist Federation of UK and it was the day when I acquired honorary membership in the Zionist Federation. I received mixed responses from different social circles and schools of thought, especially from the South Asian community. My own Pakistani community was surprised and mortified when I proclaimed my adherence to Zionism.

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