Tag Archive for Chemical Weapons

Israel preparing for possible war in north

This week the IDF deployed 2 of its vaunted Iron Dome anti-missile systems to the northern port city of Haifa in anticipation of armed action.

Israel cannot accept a situation where Hezbollah holds the threat of chemical weapons over its citizens.


By Israel Today Staff


Israel is growing increasingly concerned that Syria’s ongoing civil war is going to result in open conflict between Jewish state and either Syrian forces or Lebanon’s Hezbollah terrorist militia.

Israel’s border with Syria – Photo: Israeltoday.co.il

Israel has warned that if Syria’s stockpile of chemical weapons finds its way into Hezbollah hands, Israeli forces will take preemptive action. Continue Reading »

Syria’s chemical/biological arsenal is now within Hezbollah reach

PM Benjamin Netanyahu met with a U.S. delegation about the developments in Syria, reporting that the potential outcomes facing Israel are “bad, bad& worse”.

Just off the Syrian coast, Russian navy conducts large-scale training exercise.

By Shlomo Cesana & Daniel Siryoti

Israel continued to warn the world on Monday of the potentially devastating outcome if Syria’s chemical arsenal falls into the hands of rebels, or worse, Hezbollah, as Lebanese media outlets reported that the Lebanese terror group had already obtained some chemical weapons and long range missiles.

Footage of Hezbollah fighters in Syria on Monday. – Photo: Channel 10 News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who on Sunday met with a delegation from the U.S. Continue Reading »

Report: Hizbullah Bases Sets Up Close to Syria’s Chemical Depots

According to an Israeli media outlet, Hizbullah terrorists are setting up bases in Syria very close to known chemical weapons storage facilities.

By Chana Ya’ar


The Lebanon-based Hizbullah terrorist organization is setting up bases in Syria close to known chemical weapons storage facilities, according to a source quoted in a report published Monday by Israeli Hebrew-language news outlet Ynet.

Chemical war drill

Chemical war drill – IDF Spokesman’s Unit

Hizbullah, which is generously funded and equipped by Iran, has been working to shore up the government forces backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, together with Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards.

But even with that assistance, the loyalists are beginning to lose their grip on the country, and it appears likely that Assad’s regime may soon fall. Continue Reading »

Report: Obama Listened to Israel which Avoided Chemical War within Syria

Israeli surveillance identified Syria’s army preparing chemical bombs. Israel alerted the White House, who gained Russian support to stop Assad.

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu


Israeli surveillance that spotted Syria preparing chemical bombs to load them on airplanes spurred President Barack Obama into action to win rare support from Russia to stop the plan, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

The report follows bits of information published over the past several weeks, according to which Syrian soldiers were spotted mixing chemicals, but details of Israeli surveillance and American involvement were not previously disclosed.

IDF commanders informed Washington in November, according to the newspaper, after satellite imagery showed Syrian soldiers filling 500-pound bombs with a substance that may have been the deadly “sarin” nerve gas. Continue Reading »

Michael Oren: Chemical Weapons in Rebels Hands Would be ‘Game Changer’

Israeli ambassador to US says that evidence of chemical weapons being passed to terrorist would be a “red line for Israel”.

By Rachel Hirshfeld


Israeli ambassador to the United States Michael Oren warned Sunday that any evidence of chemical weapons being passed from the Assad regime to terrorist groups like Hizbullah would be a “red line for Israel” and could constitute military action.

While Oren could not confirm recent claims that the Syrian regime is mixing and moving components for the deadly sarin nerve gas, he said that Israel is watching the situation “very carefully.”

“Were those weapons to pass into the wrong hands — Huzbullah’s hands, for example — that would be a game-changer for us,” Oren told “Fox News Sunday.”  Continue Reading »

U.S. Report: Syria Preparing Chemicals for using Sarin Gas

U.S. official report that Syrian Engineers that are working for Assad are combining the 2 chemical precursors needed to weaponize sarin gas.

By Elad Benari


Engineers working for President Bashar Al-Assad’s regime in Syria have begun combining the two chemical precursors needed to weaponize sarin gas, an American official with knowledge of the situation told Wired.com’s Danger Room on Monday.

International observers are now more worried than they’ve even been that the Damascus government could use its nerve agent stockpile to slaughter its own people, the report said.

The U.S. doesn’t know why the Syrian military made the move, which began in the middle of last week and is taking place in central Syria, nor are they sure why the Assad government is transferring some weapons to different locations within the country, as the New York Times reported on Monday. Continue Reading »