Tag Archive for Operation Doctor’s Appointment

40 ill Syrian mothers & children enter Israel for medical treatment

Unlike ‘Operation Good Neighbor’ where injured Syrians have been treated in Israel, the IDF begins ‘Operation Doctor’s Appointment’ with more than 40 sick mothers & children with chronic health problems cross the Golan Heights in pre-dawn hours for a day’s treatment in an Israeli hospital.
– Syrian patient, ‘We were afraid in the beginning to come because we regarded Israelis as Zionists and enemies. It’s the opposite.’



Keeping a doctor’s appointment in Israel, Syrian children and their mothers stepped across a tense Golan Heights border in the dead of night under the watchful gaze of Israeli soldiers.

The patients, Israeli medical officials said, were not the walking wounded of the seven-year-old Syrian civil war but children with chronic health problems coming across the frontier for a day’s treatment in a hospital in northern Israel. Continue Reading »